
Welcome to Home Cooking - Austrian Style!

This is the place where I will be sharing with you my adventures and experiments into Austrian style home cooking.

My mum was a great cook. She taught me many Austrian dishes which I cook regularly, but there are so many more that I have not tried out yet. Mum gave me her very old and well used cookbook which she brought with her when she migrated out to Australia 50 years ago. So I have decided to go through that cookbook and try out as many new dishes as I can.

I invite you to come along with me on that cooking adventure!

I am a mum, a teacher, a painter and a homemaker.

I came to Australia with my parents when I was a toddler.  My mum was a devoted mum and homemaker.  She brought with her a wealth of cooking experience and traditional recipes from Austria, especially from the Steiermark Region, where she grew up.  Her mother's family came from Hungary, and many of mum's recipes had a distinct Hungarian flavour.  Hungarian Goulasch was a favourite dish which my family enjoyed regularly.

I enjoyed eating mum's cooking,  and as I grew up, was introduced to a variety of dishes and foods which my Australian friends had never heard of or eaten. I often watched mum cook and sometimes even helped, learning basic recipes along the way. Some of these I cooked for my own family. I have an Australian husband and four children.

But as other food and cooking influences presented themselves, I cooked fewer traditional dishes, concentrating on the Australian, Asian and Italian foods my family enjoyed.  So as my family is now in their teens and early twenties, I am determined to introduce them to more of the traditional foods from Austria.